20 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Skin in Your 20s

v1. You forget/are too lazy to wash your face before you go to sleep.
Just because you’re exhausted doesn’t mean you get a free pass. “Neglecting to cleanse your skin leads to a buildup of oil and dirt, which ultimately causes breakouts and even bacterial infections,” says Elena Arboleda, head aesthetician at Mario Badescu Skin Clinic in NYC. Perpetual breakouts into your 30s — who wants that? And you’ll have to deal with the acne scarring to boot. Keep a packet of face wipes by your bed, like Olay Fresh Effects Clear Skin See Spot Swipe Oil Reducing Wet Clothes for Acne-Prone Skin or Boots No7 Quick Thinking 4-in-1 Wipes, so that even in a lazy emergency, you can clean off your makeup.




2. You pull all-nighters or don’t get enough sleep.
Skin repairs itself while you sleep, so not getting at least eight hours can lead to a sallow, dull complexion. That alone will make you look much older than you are, not to mention the dark circles that’ll come with it.


3. You drink too much coffee to make up for the sleep you didn’t get.
The caffeine in coffee is dehydrating and if you drink too many cups a day too often, your skin will go from plump and dewy to dry and dull. Plus, any fine lines you may start to see will begin to look more pronounced. Quench thirsty skin with a super-hydrating serum, like Clarins Double Serum Complete Age Control Concentrate, which immediately replenishes moisture loss, thanks to hydrating katafray extract. Hydrate your skin to have nice skin forever.

4. You party too much (aka have one too many too often).
It’s fun to sip on a cocktail here and there, but drinking too much on a regular basis is not only unhealthy for you internally but it can also dehydrate your skin. If having a drink is your vice, make sure to have a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume to keep your hydration levels high. Bonus: Going one for one also helps prevent hangovers. To replenish any lost moisture in your skin immediately, use a serum with hyaluronic acid, which holds 1,000 times its weight in hydration and draws moisture from the air into your skin. Try Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel.

5. You experiment with recreational drugs.
Drugs aren’t good for you health-wise, which you already know, but one of the ways they can manifest is on your skin. Bottom line: Don’t do them and you’ll look younger longer.

6. You smoke when you drink.
OK, even if you aren’t the one bumming a cigarette when you’re tipsy, secondhand smoke can still trigger premature aging to occur, which causes the collagen and elastin to break down, leaving your skin saggy.

7. You’re stressed.
Attribute it to guys, school, work — whatever the cause, stress can wreak havoc on in the short and long term. It can bring about blemishes, cause dullness and rashes, and even cause you to furrow your brow over and over, etching lines in your face that will stick with you for life. To avoid stress, take a break from your busy schedule and do something fun with your girlfriends. To keep your skin clear and line-free, take a whiff of Tata Harper’s Aromatic Stress Treatment with calming neroli, slather on Origins Original Skin Renewal Serum with skin-rejuvenating Persian silk tree, and be mindful of any facial expressions you’re making to kick the habit quicker.

8. You aren’t exercising on a regular basis.
I hate to break it to you, but your body isn’t going to look that bangin’ forever. Which is why it’s a good idea to keep yourself in shape now, so you don’t have to work out so hard later on in life to stay healthy. Plus, exercising not only gives your skin a gorgeous glow immediately, it also helps keep stress levels down (Bye, stress-related breakouts!), helps shed dead skin cells, and boosts your mood.

9. You skip meals.
Imagine this: You’re running all over the place and haven’t had a second to down some lunch. At that point, your brain is not only running on empty, but constantly missing meals can cause your skin to age faster and dry out more quickly. To make sure your operating on all cylinders, pack healthy snacks, like peanuts or almonds — even an orange (which has skin-brightening vitamin C) — and stash them in your bag. That way, you won’t go hungry during the day and you can keep your skin healthy at the same time.

10. You don’t drink enough water.
Regardless of your schedule, if you don’t guzzle eight glasses or more a day, your body won’t get the right amount of hydration you need internally, which can show up as dry, flaky patches on your skin. Make water taste yummier by slipping fruit slices into a pitcher of water, keeping it in your refrigerator, and then filling up your water bottle before heading out the door. Also, to make sure your skin stays supple and hydrated throughout the day, toss a hydrating rosewater mist, like Mario Badescu Facial Spray, into your bag.


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