We love educating our clients on the importance of water consumption for both our treatments and also your health and wellbeing.

We are all so busy nowadays trying to juggle all the stresses of day to day life that we often forget to take care of ourselves in the right ways.

With all the hype around super foods and ensuring we are giving our bodies the right nutrition, vitamins, and mineral; we tend to forget about the vital role that water plays.


Many people have heard that our bodies are made up of 60% water, but did you know that our blood is also made up of 90% water?

We have been told time and time again to drink 8 glasses a day, or 2 liters a day, but because people come in many different body sizes, shapes, and types, we cannot follow just one simple rule to determine the amount of water each of us should be consuming each day – so if we shouldn’t just follow one rule, how do we manage our water intake?

Let’s start with understanding the key benefits of drinking enough water.

Key Benefits of Drinking Water:

  • Aids in Digestion & Improves Gut Health
  • Improves Circulation & Oxygenation of the Body
  • Ensures Cells & Organs Function Correctly
  • Helps the Body Absorb Vitamins and Minerals
  • Helps Regulate Body Temperature
  • Energizes & Improves Muscle Performance
  • Assists in Flushing Out Toxins
  • Improves Skin Health & Vitality
  • Help to Boost the Metabolism

And so much more….

How Does Drinking Water Affect The Results of Non-Surgical Body Contouring Treatments?

Ensuring you drink enough water after having a non-surgical treatment plays a key role in how well and how quickly your body responds to the treatment. cavitation treatments work by destroying the fat cells in your body. Once fat cells are destroyed, your body then identifies them as waste and removes them through your lymphatic system.

The more water that you drink, the faster your body will respond in flushing waste through your system which in turn will also ensure that you will see the results of your treatments sooner.

How Much Water Should You Drink Each Day?

The correct amount of water intake for each individual can vary based on a number of different factors, such as the climate you live in, physical activity, weight, height, and gender.

We use the formula of [your body weight x 0.04] to calculate your daily water intake. If you are working-out, keep in mind that the water you are drinking is only replenishing what you have lost in sweat which means you will need to increase your water intake to account for this.


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