Frequently Asked Questions.

List of manuals for our cavitation machines. Please find the correct one you are looking for and click the “download manual” link. We are constantly adding models and may not have the link to your model listed here. You can email us and we will send you a copy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is the most commons questions we get, we also give you some tips for better results.

1) Why is my Cavitation head not heating up or has no light?

Answer: The purpose of the head is not heat, the purpose is to emit cavitation waves. The head may heat up after long period of usage but with the newer cavitation technology, heat is not a main source or indicator of a working cavitation head. You can confirm the head is working correctly by doing a water test, you can find instructions here and watching a video. The Cavitation head, is the only head that will not light up due to not having space for a light source.

My Vacuum has no suction?

Answer: The clear filter and the vacuum hose will need to be connected correctly for the vacuum function to work. You can review the guide her

Should I Used Gel With My Vacuum/Cupping Wand?

The cupping wand is not meant to be moved around during treatments like the cavitation or radio frequency wands.  Therefor we suggest to make sure skin is clear of any liquids/gel, if you used gels this will result in clogging of  the vacuum probe and will no longer operate properly. You will void your warranty of that probe if you use any gels with that wand.

How Often Should I Do Radio Frequency Treatments?

For Radio Frequency facial treatments once a week is our suggestion. You must allow your collagen time to regenerate. For the body you can do 2 treatments a week.

All user manuals are listed below. If you do not see the user manual you need please contact us at info@PhotoFacialMachines.com

5 in 1 Radio Frequency Cavitation 2.0 Machine Download Manual 

8 Function Multipurpose RF Machine Download Manual

9 Function Multipurpose RF Machine Download Manual